Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sentinal Carpark to the Top of the Berg

An awazing walk as plodded on up the broken path looking at the valleys on either side. The first couple of kilometres follow the border between QwaQwa and Natal as you make a heading forward towards Lesotho. It gets a little steeper and you have to then navigate your way through a series of zig zags. Each twist and turn provides many opportunities to stop and look back a the awesome scenery. It still boggles the mind why anyone would want to come up here and put fences up.

The zig zags come to an end after a while and you have the pleasure of walking on a relatively flat stretch as you make your way along the winding path past the Gulley to the Chain Ladder.

We watched the sun set on this flatter section of the trail. Then took out our torches and scuttled along to reach the chain cladder. It was one of the best night walks I have done in a while. We had a full moon and the visibility was great. The silence is something to behold.

No matter who you are, the chain ladder, split into two parts, always proves to be an adrenaline moment. The coldness of the metal on your hands, the racing beat of your heart and the accomplishment of having climbed up provide a unique experience for both new and old visitors.

The secret to completing this part of the hike is great communication, strong leadership, patience and using the ladder, one step at a time. Don't rush it, enjoy it and take it all in.

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