Sunday, May 30, 2010

If you don't climb the mountains, you can't see the valleys

The walk down from the camp took us nearly 6 hours. It was a time that allowed people in the party to see the chain ladder in the light of day instead of the moon, to reflect on the night before and to get into communication with one another. The views down towards Fika Patso Dam are breathtaking and allow you to really see the Dam in whole new light.

It is sad to see how Qwa Qwa has deteriorated in 20 years. I started my career here in the berg, working with teams and sometimes spending 40 weeks a year in the foothills and of the Royal Natal National Park and the Eastern Orange Free state, culminating on the top of the berg at the end of everyone of these sessions.

I have seen the berg in thick mist, in rain, in hail, in snow and in fire. I have walked it at night, early morning, in the wind and in all of the above within two hours. It is a magical part of the world that seems to be resilient to changes in economy and political policy.

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